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Artificial Process Intelligence: AI for Business Process Automation

October 13, 20219:00 - 10:00AI Operations - AI Expo 2021


Carlos Pacheco

Carlos Pacheco

Strategy & Portfolio Innovation Manager, Underwriters Laboratories
  • October 13, 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


Hamid Motahari

Hamid Motahari

Founder and CEO, UpBrains AI Inc


Enterprise process automation technology has made great progress, yet with a limited scope, in the development of intelligent business process management capabilities. The main focus has been on the automation of structured human-centered processes, discovery and mining of structured processes and automation of repetitive tasks using Robotic Process Automation (RPA), while a majority of enterprise processes that are unstructured have defined automation. In this talk, we review key technological advances needed to leapfrog business process automation in the enterprise, and discuss advances in AI that enables automation of hard-to-automate, often document-centric, business processes. We will conclude with sharing a vision for Artificial Process Intelligence as the next technological direction for future of AI for the enterprise.