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Sree Ganesan

Sree Ganesan

Head of Software Products, Habana Labs


Sree Ganesan leads Software Product Management at Habana Labs, working alongside a diverse global team to deliver state-of-the-art deep learning capabilities of the Habana SynapseAI® software suite to the market. Previously, she was Engineering Director in Intel’s AI Products Group, where she was responsible for AI software strategy and deep learning framework integration for Nervana NNP AI accelerators. Ms. Ganesan joined Intel in 2001 and has held a variety of technical and management roles in software engineering, VLSI CAD and SOC design methodology. Ms. Ganesan received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India and a PhD in computer engineering from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio.


AI Expo 2022

AI Expo 2021

October 12, 20218:00 - 8:30