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Motoi Ichihashi
Track Chair, AI Hardware

Motoi Ichihashi

DTCO Lead, Intel


Motoi Ichihashi is currently a DTCO Lead with Intel, where he is engaged in the research and development of chip implementation toward future design. Motoi has 20+ years’ experience in the electronics industry in Japan, France and now here in Silicon Valley. He has worked for HITACHI, Renesas, CEA-Leti, DENSO and GLOBALFOUNDRIES before.
Motoi received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan and the Ph.D. degree from Telecom ParisTech (former ENST, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications), Paris, France. And, he is a Senior Member of IEEE with SSCS (Solid-State Circuits Society) and CAS (Circuits and Systems Society).