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Mikaela Pisani

Mikaela Pisani

Head of Data Science, Rootstrap


AI Expo 2021

October 13, 202214:00 - 15:00

[Panel] Path to Artificial General Intelligence

AI Implementation - AI Expo 2021


Mikaela Pisani is a Data Scientist Based in Montevideo, Uruguay. With a Computer Engineering Degree, she successfully applied for a Fulbright Scholarship and received a Master’s in Data Science from Texas Tech University.

She is currently the Chief Data Scientist at Rootstrap, and also runs Girls In Tech Uruguay; a global non-profit organization focused on the engagement, education, and empowerment of women and girls in tech, as well as educating children on STEAM.

Mikaela was recently interviewed for a LifeWire article regarding online identity security, and also delivered a talk on the importance of women working with data at WomenTech Global Conference 2021. Her presentation at WomenTech and follow-up article continue to be very well received.